Friday, March 11, 2011

We Always Cared About Him Until the End

Been making losa tapes recently. Latest one called The Runs, but actually known to me as The Stops. Part of it features this tape-tempo addled layering of two old recordings, one on guitar, one on piano. Don't they sound real nice like with eachother?

We Always Cared About Him Until the End by Some Pepper

Otherwise, The Runs theme is taken from a soundtrack recording session with the talented and strange saxophonist Michael Bauer. That theme comes back in after The Stops, which itself features double spaced periods of silence.
But this time, the theme is alternately played directly onto this unique tape by direct line feedback tonally managed by the EQ on a stereo receiver.
Here is a long clip from that tape, featuring the return of the theme, followed by a radio/drum game.

Excerpt from The Stops by Some Pepper

By the way this is


of our highly acclaimed series on how I do the things I need to do. To update you, Step One has graduated to be the first youtube video used on a tape, "Nobody Notices the Mistakes. Ya'hear? Nobody!". It was given to Sakiko from Daily Life. See if they are playing near you. They are are good.
The end of this clip fairly well displays the layers and tape manipulation typical of these projects, as more inputs are sidelined by receiver feedback and power blanks (what I call the sound cutting out from hitting stop or play on the tape deck feeding into the four track (which itself feeds into the final tape recorder). I fade out, but this thing continues.

If you would like a tape, please ask.
- db

1 comment:

  1. This is basically the exact kind of music I feel like listening to right now.
